Your health plan is a power tool for better living
Marpai (Mar-pay) is hired by your employer to administer the company health plan. We go far beyond just giving you a health ID card and processing claims. We proactively help you stay on the best health journey, so you live your best life today and tomorrow.

We’ve got you
under our wing
Marpai is committed to your health. We guide you to high quality in-network providers to protect you from low quality care. When it’s time for an annual visit, we send appointment reminders so you stay on track. We help you steer clear of avoidable, excessive and inappropriate care.
We’re here for you
Whenever you have a question or problem, we’re here for you. Register at to enjoy all the benefits of the Marpai member portal. See benefits, view claims, track spending, find a provider, print forms and more. Need an answer right away? Call us using the number on the front of your health ID card.

The myMarpai Medical Shopping Tool – a free resource empowering you to make informed healthcare decisions based on price and convenience. Easily view actual prices charged by in-network providers for services and procedures, revealing potential savings. Don’t pay 5x to 10x more for the same care, leading to higher out-of-pocket costs and premiums.
Become a smart consumer of healthcare and save money. Visit to activate your account and start using it today.